Andrin Flütsch and Monika Wehrli make their points on the talks of Academia Engelberg
This year’s Dialogue on Science of Academia Engelberg dealt with the topic of food security. From October 15 to 17 2014, around 180 participants discussed how disponibility, access and consumption of foodstuffs can be secured.
The world’s population will grow to over eight billion over the next 20 years. How should they all be fed when according to the FAO, every eighth person is chronically hungry today? During the conference, scientists from many different disciplines from all over the world discussed approaches to resolve these basic problems. How can we ensure an adequate water supply? How will climate change and natural disasters affect food security? And how will the growing meat consumption that comes hand in hand with an expanding middle class in emerging economies be dealt with?
Lucia Caiata and Pia Schneider – two students from the Swiss Study Foundation – have been blogging in German on their impressions of the conference. You will find their contributions here (→ Link…) and here you can watch the different talks from the conference in English (→ Link…).