A summer school conducted by the Swiss Study Foundation (SSF) once again set out to explore the region of the South Caucasus – for the first time including Azerbaijan. During the editing process of this publication renewed clashes between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh brought the region back to the attention of the world’s news. It is a region that has been at the crossroads for centuries, a region in which to this day different geopolitical and energy interests collide. These circumstances, coupled with the historical legacies, complicate the economic, political and societal transformation processes that set in after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Socalled ethnic conflicts emerged in Armenia and Azerbaijan as well as in Georgia, further impeding the development of these countries.
The Swiss Study Foundation (SSF) assembled a group of students to explore these complex relationships in Georgia and Azerbaijan between August 26 and September 4, 2015. This publication presents a selection of the resulting essays.
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