We are pleased to present the latest annual report of the Swiss Study Foundation, which gives an insight into the Foundation’s activities and allows a wide variety of people from the network to share their view. You can download the annual report here: → PDF (E) | PDF (D) | PDF (F)
Annual scholarship for eleven Swiss Study Foundation students in 2023/24
The Swiss Study Foundation awards annual scholarships for unique projects by excellent students. Eleven students were selected for the current scholarship award. They are studying solutions and actively tackling change – be it AI risks, the climate crisis or social justice. More information here: –> Media Release (DE) –> Media Release (FR) –> Media Release → more…
Geissbühler Excellence Scholarships 2023/24
For the sixth time, the Swiss Study Foundation, in collaboration with the Bärbel and Paul Geissbühler Foundation, is awarding Excellence Scholarships to outstanding students in the STEM disciplines (including human medicine). More information here: –> Media Release (DE) –> Media Release (FR) –> Media Release (IT)
Swiss Study Foundation supports outstanding STEM students with Werner Siemens Fellowship 2023/24
In 2023-24, ten students who are already supported by the Swiss Study Foundation will receive a Werner Siemens Fellowship. The prerequisites are outstanding academic performance and a willingness to work towards promoting STEM subjects in society. Discover the portraits of the 2023/24 fellows in the media release: –> Media Release (DE) –> Media Release (FR) → more…
Annual report 2022: Deeply Rooted – The Principle of Participation and Co-creation
We are pleased to present the latest annual report of the Swiss Study Foundation, which gives an insight into the Foundation’s activities and allows a wide range of people from our network to share their view. In the interview, the retiring Deputy Chairman of the Foundation Board and Chairman of the Education Commission, Prof. Dr. → more…
Begegnungen @fondetudes – the new podcast of the Swiss Study Foundation
Inspiring talks with the Foundation’s network: Along the guideline “Curiosity, Motivation, Responsibility”, listeners can expect exciting encounters with personalities from the Swiss Study Foundation’s network. The guests will talk about their passion, be it for their special field of interest or for their social commitment, and provide insights into the Foundation’s sponsorship programme. Markus Lüdi, → more…
Swiss Study Foundation supports outstanding STEM students with Werner Siemens Fellowship
In 2022-23, nine students who are already supported by the Swiss Study Foundation will receive a Werner Siemens Fellowship. The prerequisites are outstanding academic performance and a willingness to work towards promoting STEM subjects in society. Discover the portraits of the 2022/23 fellows in the media release → Link (D)… → Link (F)… → Link (I)…
Annual report 2021: Between Change and Continuity – The Swiss Study Foundation turns 30
We are pleased to present the latest annual report of the Swiss Study Foundation, which provides an insight into the Foundation’s diverse activities. Important events in 2021 include the 30th anniversary and the handover of the presidency of the Foundation Board from Prof. A. Loprieno to Prof. A. Epiney.
You can download the annual report here: → PDF
Le professeur Antonio Loprieno nommé membre d’honneur du Conseil de Fondation
Le 29 mars 2022, le Conseil de la Fondation suisse d’études a nommé à l’unanimité le professeur Antonio Loprieno membre d’honneur du Conseil de Fondation. Antonio Loprieno a présidé la Fondation suisse d’études pendant 13 ans et a soutenu de nombreux changements résolument tournés vers l’avenir. Avant cela, il s’était déjà engagé pour la Fondation → more…
Le programme d’encouragement vu par les bénéficiaires
Le programme d’encouragement de la Fondation suisse d’études s’adresse aux jeunes étudiantes et étudiants engagés. Des offres de formation interdisciplinaires, des bourses pour étudier à l’étranger, du mentoring et d’autres offres soutiennent les étudiantes et étudiants dès l’entrée en bachelor jusqu’à la fin de leurs études. Quatre bénéficiaires présentent le programme d’encouragement de la Fondation → more…
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