Information Technology has fundamentally changed most aspects of our lives and will continue to do so at an ever-increasing pace. As most people use this technology without even understanding its most basic concepts, our information society faces a new problem: digital illiteracy. How do computers process information? What is the difference between the Internet and → more…
Soirée d’information 2018/2
Qu’est-ce que la Fondation suisse d’études et pourquoi devrais-je postuler pour ce programme d’encouragement ? Lors du Soirée d’information, nous nous présenterons aux étudiant-e-s et futurs diplômé-e-s des écoles de maturité. Le Soirée d’information aura lieu le jeudi 11 octobre 2018 de 18h à 19h30 (suivi d’un apéritif) à Saint-Gall (français/allemand). Les intéressé-e-s sont cordialement → more…
IT Life Sciences
Life sciences are one of the most innovative and fast changing fields of the 21st century. Advances in Molecular Biology, Experimental Imaging and Systems Biology are gaining more and more impact on our personal lives – our health, the economy and the environment. But what is behind these developments, how is research in life sciences → more…
Georgia – a look back and ahead after 10 years of change and conflict
In September 2008 a first summer school of the Swiss Study Foundation in Georgia was planned – and brought to a sudden halt by the Russian-Georgian War. Postponed to 2009, the thrilling experience of this first summer school was followed by a number of variations of travels through different regions of the Southern Caucasus, always → more…
Autonome Mobilität
Autonomes Fahren ist zurzeit eine der grössten Herausforderungen unserer Gesellschaft. Google, Apple und Tesla, aber auch die meisten konventionellen Fahrzeughersteller forschen seit einigen Jahren intensiv auf dem Gebiet – bisher konnte aber niemand ein vollständig autonomes Fahrzeug auf den Markt bringen. Neben technischen Schwierigkeiten steht das autonome Fahren auch vor rechtlichen und gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen. Am → more…
European Summer School 2015 on Energy Systems in Transition: Present and Future Technologies & Policies
Can our fossil fuel based energy system be transformed into a sustainable, low-carbon system with a high share of renewable energy sources? And how do we have to design it in order to secure a reliable energy supply at affordable cost for all? This globally pressing and very demanding challenge was addressed in this year’s → more…
National Model United Nations, New York
Have you ever wondered how the United Nations work and how countries negotiate issues with each other? If so, the National Model United Nations (NMUN) is an opportunity to get first hand experience in this field. The NMUN is the largest simulation of United Nations negotiations for students. Every year about 5000 students from all → more…
Energy Systems in Transition : Present and Future Technologies & Policies
A European Campus of Excellence (ECE) course on energy at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich). From 28th June to 18th July 2015 a three-week summer school on energy will be held in Switzerland to which 30 excellent bachelor and master students from all over Europe are invited. Are you interested in → more…
IT Compact Course
Information Technology (IT) has fundamentally changed many aspects of our lives and it will continue to do so at an ever-increasing pace. As most people use this technology without even understanding its most basic concepts, our information society faces a new problem: digital illiteracy. What does it mean to process information? How can you best → more…
IT Life Sciences : this Century’s Challenges
Genetics and Biotechnology promise a future of unprecedented health and prosperity. Personalized genomics and health data management will change diagnostics, gene therapy could cure many diseases, growing organs for transplantation in the lab might be possible and GMOs might increase food security. This prospect will build many opportunities, but will also generate challenges for human → more…