The board of the organization of former students of the Swiss Study Foundation coordinates the events, communicates on behalf of the organization and maintains contacts with the Swiss Study Foundation.
Since June 2020, the board of the alumni/ae organization has been composed as follows:
Meier, Niklaus, president and actuary. Niklaus chairs the board meetings and general assemblies, writes the minutes and manages the documents of the organization. E-mail address: niklaus.meierENTFERNEN[AT]
Ammann, Odile, vice-president, articles of association and events. Odile represents the association on the Swiss Study Foundations’ board of trustees, is responsible for compliance with the statutes and co-responsible for the events and the annual program. She also supports the President in his tasks. E-mail address: odileammannENTFERNEN[AT]
Wick, Hanna. Wick, Hanna. Hanna supports the work of the board and organizes events. E-mail: hannawick[at] E-mail: hannawickENTFERNEN[AT]
Blum, Nicola, events: Nicola is co-responsible for the events and the annual program. E-mail: blum.nicola.uENTFERNEN[AT]
Richter, Till, events: Till is responsible for the events and the annual program. E-mail: tilltasiorichterENTFERNEN[AT]
Forster, Simon, treasurer. Simon is responsible for the bookkeeping of the organization and prepares the annual financial statements. He proposes financial auditors. E-mail: s_forsterENTFERNEN[AT]
Sekanina, Klara, Director of the Swiss Study Foundation. On the part of the Swiss Study Foundation, she takes care of mantaining good relations and efficient interfaces with the organization of former members. E-mail: klara.sekaninaENTFERNEN[AT]