In September 2008 a first summer school of the Swiss Study Foundation in Georgia was planned – and brought to a sudden halt by the Russian-Georgian War. Postponed to 2009, the thrilling experience of this first summer school was followed by a number of variations of travels through different regions of the Southern Caucasus, always → more…
Archives for 2017
Autonome Mobilität
Autonomes Fahren ist zurzeit eine der grössten Herausforderungen unserer Gesellschaft. Google, Apple und Tesla, aber auch die meisten konventionellen Fahrzeughersteller forschen seit einigen Jahren intensiv auf dem Gebiet – bisher konnte aber niemand ein vollständig autonomes Fahrzeug auf den Markt bringen. Neben technischen Schwierigkeiten steht das autonome Fahren auch vor rechtlichen und gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen. Am → more…
Tackling Present Challenges in Energy and Mobility: The case of Kenya and Switzerland
Blog-posts and an article by participants of the first academy organised by Aiducation International and the Swiss Study Foundation: Tanzend durch Nairobis Stau, account by Stefan German, published in the “Frutigländer” on August 8, 2017: → PDF… (in German) foraus blog, written by Oskar Jönnson: Blog on the elections:!/blog/c!/content-7157-elections-in-kenya-the-opportunity-for-change-that-nobody-believes-in Interview with Florian Gubler (Part → more…
Schwarzman Scholars Webinar
Schwarzman Scholars offers a webinar for the Students of the Swiss Study Foundation: Applications for the third cohort of Schwarzman Scholars are now open! The second class of 129 Schwarzman Scholars, selected in the fall of 2016, is composed of students from 30 countries and 75 universities. Schwarzman Scholars is quickly becoming the premier → more…
Energy Systems in Transition and Sustainable Mobility
A European Campus of Excellence (ECE) summer school on energy at the EFP Lausanne and the ETH Zurich From 11th June to 1st July 2017 a three-week summer school about the challenges of energy transition and sustainable mobility will be held in Switzerland, to which 30 excellent bachelor and master students from all over Europe → more…
Energy Systems in Transition – Economic, Policy and Social Challenges
The ‘Energiewende’ is in full swing fuelled by rapidly advancing technology and a change in mindset leading to policies unleashing the full potential of renewable energy (RE). While the technical aspect is a very straight forward one –product innovation and manufacturing cost reductions are implemented at a record pace –public awareness, acceptance and unfavourable policies → more…